Ash Wednesday Prayer Assemblies
10th Mar 2025
Last Wednesday we gathered in song, prayer and reflection as we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Our junior classes had a themed desert meditation recalling Jesus in the desert for 4o days. Our senior classes celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Mr. Moonan offered some ideas of the different things we could undertake for Lent such as sharing our smiles with everyone and undertaking less screen time during Lent. Both celebrations included the Distribution of Ashes which were blessed by Fr. Dooley.
Many thanks to Mr. Moonan for leading our assemblies with Mr. Morgan assisting with the Ashes. Many thanks too for our RE Team for preparing and planning for the uplifting celebration as we begin Lent 2025 in Tullyallen N.S.
Many thanks to Mr. Moonan for leading our assemblies with Mr. Morgan assisting with the Ashes. Many thanks too for our RE Team for preparing and planning for the uplifting celebration as we begin Lent 2025 in Tullyallen N.S.